Independent Living Support (ILS) provides holistic support to vulnerable people over 16 years utilising one to one outreach support, group work and peer support opportunities. As part of our service delivery we have a range of in house and external training opportunities to support people to move closer to employment, education or volunteering. Free training can be access on our website In partnership with The Scottish Recovery Network and We Are With You! we provide a stand alone Peer 2 Peer training programme designed to build confidence and resilience to facilitate the employment of Peer Support Workers. The main focus of Peer 2 Peer is to establish an innovative model of vocational training by adapting and integrating peer support training with psychodrama and video therapy sessions. Feedback from previous participants include ”Peer 2 Peer has given me confidence”, ”I’ve met a great group of friends”, ”I knew some of the learning material but it has reinforced the information”, the trauma unit was really useful but hard work”, ”I’ve learned its okay not to be okay, I learned some useful self-care techniques”, ”I was anxious on day one, now I feel really confident meeting others, I’m grateful for the group”. ILS staff and services are friendly and flexible; we look forward to meeting you!
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About This Form
Thank you for choosing the Skills Training Network to make your application. You’re about to begin your journey to employment.
The first step to applying for this programme is by filling out this short form. This information will help the training provider learn more about you and process your application.
This form should take 5 – 10 minutes
We store your data securely and only share it with the relevant training provider. We will not share it with any other third parties.
Apply for this programme
All details will be sent directly to the relevant training provider
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About This Form
Thank you for choosing the Skills Training Network to make your referral.
The process of making a referral to this programme involves filling out this short form. This information will help the training provider learn more about your client and process your referral.
This form should take 5 – 10 minutes
We store your data securely and only share it with the relevant training provider. We will not share it with any other third parties.
Make a referral
All details will be sent directly to the relevant training provider