
  • All Industries
  • Industry
  • Rolling programme
  • Start date
  • 16-19
  • Eligible Age Range

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North Ayrshire Employability Services
  • North Ayrshire Employability Services

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About this programme



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Ambition Agreements:

Aimed at school leavers/young people facing multiple barriers to a positive destination on leaving school.

Individual package of activities and learning built around young person’s needs and interests.  Individual action plan. May be eligible for EMA. Offers support across stage 1 – 3 of pipeline.

Stage 1: fosters relationships with youngsters who are looking for support; focus on sustaining engagement; creating individual action plans, identifying/addressing barriers

Stage 2: basic employability skills, personal skills, core skills, communication

Stage 3: work experience placements/ job matching

There are 4 key workers who will support throughout their journey and refer to specialist support as required:

2 X generic

1X supported employment – equal programme

1X care experienced

Where you'll be

Open on Google Maps
  • Address Delivered across North Ayrshire
  • Country United Kingdom

Here's something you should know

Info Box

Employability programmes work a little differently from other courses, especially when it comes to eligibility. For example, someone from Glasgow wouldn't be eligible for a programme taking place in North Ayrshire, and vice versa. Check the Postcode Eligibility tab in the Things to Know section to make sure this programme is open to you.

Things to know

Updated on November 7, 2023 at 6:48 pm
  • Industry: All Industries
  • Programme Type: Course
  • Eligible Age Range: 16-19
  • Course Length: As long as required
  • Eligible Groups: Not in Full Time Education, Disabled Person, Care Experienced, Refugee, LGBT+, BME Groups, Health Conditions
  • Attendance Pattern: Varies depending on needs of client
  • Travel Expenses Covered: Yes
  • Pipeline Stage (if applicable): Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3
  • Postcode Eligibility: North Ayrshire
  • Start date: Rolling programme

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North Ayrshire Employability Services
  • North Ayrshire Employability Services