Helm offers a start every 3 weeks on their Employability Programme for young people across Dundee aged 16-24 years old. When you get in touch Helm will arrange a time for you to come into the building for a visit and get a chance to speak to the staff and see the facilities and sign-up for the Employability Programme. Helm’s Employability programmes are tailored to each young persons needs and interests and at their core focus on developing invaluable soft skills (i.e. confidence, communication, team work, time keeping, self-motivation, etc.) and strong employability skills (i.e. how to write a CV, how to search for jobs, how to do well in an interview, etc.)
Helm’s programme and support can be adapted to suit each young person’s goals and abilities. A young person can stay in the building for up to 12 weeks, gaining a variety of qualifications and invaluable soft skills before going out on a supported placement. Or if a young person is nearly ready for the world of work Helm can support them in the final few steps and they can out on a supported very quickly, as best suits them. Helm has connections with lots of different companies and organisations throughout Dundee (particularly garages and childcare.) Helm will go above and beyond to make connections with appropriate local companies so that as much as possible the experiences of every young person are valuable and reflect their passions and ambitions. While on placement the young people will continue to be supported so that they can get the most out of the experience.
At any point a young person can gain skills in one of Helm’s specialist facilities (garage, beauty salon, allotment, kitchen and trades unit) or work their way through traditional employability qualifications.
At the end of their time at Helm every young person is supported onto the positive destination that is right for them as an individual; an apprenticeship, a job or possibly a college place.
Even when a young person leaves Helm support is still available to ensure that the transition is positive and the young people can sustain their new opportunity.
Eligible Groups:Not in Full Time Education, In Receipt of Benefit, Disabled Person, Lone Parent, Homeless / At Risk of Homelessness, Care Experienced, Refugee, Ex-Offender, LGBT+, BME Groups, Substance Misuse, Health Conditions, Long Term Unemployment
Thank you for choosing the Skills Training Network to make your application. You’re about to begin your journey to employment.
The first step to applying for this programme is by filling out this short form. This information will help the training provider learn more about you and process your application.
This form should take 5 – 10 minutes
We store your data securely and only share it with the relevant training provider. We will not share it with any other third parties.
Apply for this programme
All details will be sent directly to the relevant training provider
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About This Form
Thank you for choosing the Skills Training Network to make your referral.
The process of making a referral to this programme involves filling out this short form. This information will help the training provider learn more about your client and process your referral.
This form should take 5 – 10 minutes
We store your data securely and only share it with the relevant training provider. We will not share it with any other third parties.
Make a referral
All details will be sent directly to the relevant training provider