11 Bothwell Street, G2 6LY
  • Registered Company/Charity Number: MyBnk

About MyBnk

When MyBnk started in 2007, just 10% of UK adults had received any form of financial education. Today, 52% of students do. Our mission is to bring financial education to life for young people. Our motto is: “Every young person must be wowed!”

MyBnk uses real life case studies, colourful resources, games, videos and links to popular culture to bring money to life. Sessions challenge negative financial attitudes and build self-belief. We cater for audio, visual and kinaesthetic learners with many extensions and ability variations.

We are often a young person’s first exposure to these topics and we know first impressions last – this is why we build programmes with young people themselves, through our Youth Advisory Panel.

We convey appropriate learning in an exciting way, leaving them with a positive memorable experience and a desire to learn more about money beyond the ‘classroom’.

If you do something, you might as well do it right. This is more true than ever when looking at important topics such as finance, and independent living. That is why we employ full-time paid professionals with a background of working with young people.

Languages: English

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