ceteris (scotland) Ltd

Ceteris Scotland Ltd
  • Registered Company/Charity Number: SC091088
  • Tax Number: 892209900

About ceteris (scotland) Ltd

Based in Central Scotland, Ceteris has 20 business properties spread across 9 sites, offering over 260,000 sq ft of serviced offices, industrial units and workshops to let. However, with over 150 tenant businesses collectively employing almost 1,000 people, we feel a responsibility to be more than a landlord. We deliver the Business Gateway Service to businesses and residents in Clackmannanshire, and provide business advice and support within Forth Valley and Central Scotland. 
Our mission is to promote economically and environmentally sustainable business growth across Central Scotland, by offering local businesses and Ceteris tenants professional support, training and events, and flexible leases at our wide range of award-winning eco-properties.
All while returning every penny of profit to local economy-boosting initiatives.

Languages: English

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