Triage provides information, advice and guidance, skills and workplace training, apprenticeships, work preparation and supportive recruitment services that help people secure a job, progress in the workplace and build meaningful careers
Founded in 1998 by Kate Carnegie MBE, Triage specialises in offering employability programmes to help people succeed in the job market. We provide a range of programmes and training sessions in North East England and Scotland.
Delivering from locations across Scotland and North East England, Triage partners with multiple public, private and community organisations. Working with local, regional and national stakeholders, prime contractors and Jobcentre Plus, we deliver employment, education and training programmes that respond to the social, cultural, inclusive and economic growth agendas.
Our mission is to develop new and innovative approaches to employment and training that work for both individuals and companies alike. We support transformational change towards approaches that work with individuals and communities, helping people to stay well, supporting diversity and inclusion, self-management, self-assurance and independent living.
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About This Form
Thank you for choosing the Skills Training Network to make your application. You’re about to begin your journey to employment.
The first step to applying for this programme is by filling out this short form. This information will help the training provider learn more about you and process your application.
This form should take 5 – 10 minutes
We store your data securely and only share it with the relevant training provider. We will not share it with any other third parties.
Apply for this programme
All details will be sent directly to the relevant training provider
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About This Form
Thank you for choosing the Skills Training Network to make your referral.
The process of making a referral to this programme involves filling out this short form. This information will help the training provider learn more about your client and process your referral.
This form should take 5 – 10 minutes
We store your data securely and only share it with the relevant training provider. We will not share it with any other third parties.
Make a referral
All details will be sent directly to the relevant training provider