Kirsty Varma

Skills Development Scotland East Renfrewshire at Skills Development Scotland East Renfrewshire

  • Service Areas: Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body and we deliver Scotland’s careers service in schools, in centres and online.
  • Industry Specialism(s): Our centre services include: Career information, advice and guidance on career choices, Advice on the routes into career including jobs, apprenticeships, training and learning, Help with CVs, application forms and interviews, Insight into the local labour market, Access to Scotland’s careers web service - My World of Work, Redundancy support,Support for parents and carers


  • 100% Employability Support

Course Types

  • 100% One-to-One Support

About Kirsty Varma

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body and we deliver Scotland’s career service in schools, in SDS centres, through our Helpline, and online.

No matter what stage you’re at in your career, support is available for you from our career centres. Our professionally qualified experts support people of all ages to take control of their future.

You can visit your local centre or call  our helpline on 0800 917 8000

Our centre services include:

  • Career information, advice and guidance on career choices
  • Advice on the routes into careers including jobs, apprenticeships, training and learning
  • Help with CVs, application forms and interviews
  • IT facilities for job seeking
  • Careers events
  • Insight into the local labour market
  • Access to Scotland’s careers website, mywordof work
  • Redundancy Support
  • Support for Parents and Carers
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