
  • Adult Care
  • Industry
  • September
  • Start date
  • 16 - 30
  • Eligible Age Range

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The Prince’s Trust

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Free 3 week course in Irvine

Designed to help you:

  • Understand the roles and opportunities available in the healthcare sector
  • Job search and apply for positions with NHS Scotland or the Health & Social Care Partnership
  • Build confidence and employability skills

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Here's something you should know

Info Box

Employability programmes work a little differently from other courses, especially when it comes to eligibility. For example, someone from Glasgow wouldn't be eligible for a programme taking place in North Ayrshire, and vice versa. Check the Postcode Eligibility tab in the Things to Know section to make sure this programme is open to you.

Things to know

Updated on August 19, 2024 at 9:08 am
  • Industry: Adult Care
  • Programme Type: Course
  • Eligible Age Range: 16 - 30
  • Qualification Gained: Emergency First Aid
  • Course Length: 3 weeks
  • Course Capacity: 12
  • Eligible Groups: Not in Full Time Education, In Receipt of Benefit, Disabled Person, Lone Parent, Care Experienced, Refugee, Long Term Unemployment
  • Attendance Pattern: 9.30am - 4pm
  • Travel Expenses Covered: Yes
  • Postcode Eligibility: North Ayrshire
  • Start date: September

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The Prince’s Trust
  • The Prince’s Trust