
Dumfries and Galloway College at Dumfries and Galloway College

  • Agent License: SC021189
  • Service Areas: South of Scotland, Cumbria


  • 82% Adult Care
  • 55% Childcare
  • -36% Other

Course Types

  • 100% Course


  • 100% Dumfries

About DumfriesandGallowayCollege

Dumfries and Galloway College is a further education institution and a leading voice in green skills development to help tackle climate change. With campuses in Dumfries and Stranraer, we are one of the main employers and providers of learning and training across the South of Scotland, with programmes ranging from senior-phase school partnerships to higher education. We strive to equip all members of our college community with the skills, knowledge, and practical experience they need to get ahead, whether that’s moving further into education or going onto employment.

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