The Lennox Partnership

Head Office, 1st Floor Carus House, 201 Dumbarton Road, Clydebank, G81 4XJ

About The Lennox Partnership

The Lennox Partnership (TLP) was created in 1988, and re-named in July 2000, as a result of a merger between two Enterprise Trusts operating in West Dunbartonshire. Initially established to support the regeneration of the Clydebank area following the demise of the shipbuilding and heavy engineering sectors, and to continue the work of the Scottish Development Agency’s Task Force who were pulling out of the area. The organisation has evolved over the years, broadening its remit and widening its operational area to include the delivery of services in a number of the 32 Local Authority areas of Scotland.

The Lennox Partnership is a “Social Enterprise”, which provides high quality specialist intermediary support services on behalf of a range of key public sector agencies across the central belt of Scotland. More recently the organisation has become involved in the delivery of the Scottish Government’s services for unemployed people such Fair Start Scotland and the UK Government’s JETS service.

The Lennox Partnership holds Disability Confident Employer (level 2) status.

Governed by a predominantly private sector, non executive Board made up of representatives from the local business community.

”The Lennox Partnership delivers services to get people in Scotland into lasting work”

The Lennox Partnership is an Approved Centre for the delivery of SQA qualifications.

The TLP Board set out a number of key principles/objectives for the ongoing development of the organisation:

  • Securing continuity of existing projects, through the delivery of successful, quality initiatives.
  • Strategic growth aims to expand its existing project portfolio, turnover and staff compliment
  • Strategic growth aims to increase the number of participants we support into sustainable employment
  • Internal staff development in line with our Investor in People accreditation

Languages: English

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